Books of EMCAPP-Friends
Stefan Parenti (Italia), 2024, pubblicato da D'Ettoris,
Sulle spalle dei giganti. Psicoterapia nella prospettiva di Tommaso d’Aquino
Le psicoterapie contemporanee si basano su principi filosofici diversi e distanti dalla concezione dell'uomo proposta dalla Chiesa Cattolica. I professionisti cattolici si trovano così ad operare con teorie e strumenti "alieni" al proprio mondo, su cui sono chiamati a compiere comparazioni spesso non semplici, col risultato di scindersi tra professione da una parte e vita cristiana dall'altra. Questo libro propone un'altra strada: il recupero della psicologia tradizionale - in particolare dell'antropologia tomista - quale fondamento della pratica psicoterapeutica. Attraverso lo studio delle facoltà dell'anima, delle virtù che le perfezionano e della loro psicodinamica è possibile descrivere le patologie del mondo d'oggi e aiutare i pazienti nella loro risoluzione.
"On giant's shoulders, psychotherapy in the Thomas Aquinas perspective" (in Italian language)
Contemporary psychotherapies are based on philosophical principles that are different and distant from the conception of man proposed by the Catholic Church. Catholic professionals thus find themselves working with theories and tools that are "alien" to their own world, on which they are called to make comparisons that are often not simple, with the result of splitting between profession on the one hand and Christian life on the other. This book proposes another path: the recovery of traditional psychology - in particular Thomistic anthropology - as the foundation of psychotherapeutic practice. Through the study of the faculties of the soul, of the virtues that perfect them and of their psychodynamics, it is possible to describe the pathologies of today's world and help patients in their resolution.
Anna Ostaszewska (Poland): Aspekty duchowe w tle psychoterapii - “Spiritual Aspects in the Background of Psychotherapy”, 2022
Anna presents research on the effectiveness of incorporating spirituality and religiosity into psychotherapy – this is very important for professionals. These research results have key implications for psychotherapy practice around the world.
Anna is concerned to let professionals in Poland know that science has changed its mind: that it is now possible to refer to the spirituality/religiosity of the patient in therapy.
Prof. Norcross has twice in Poland presented the results of meta-analyses at the request of the APA - in 2010 and 2017.
And Anna became aware of works by prof. Worthington who proved the effectiveness of Christian psychotherapy.
In the book she also mentions Model of the Person by Paul Vitz and briefly describe his conversion - quoting his statements from the book Psychology as religion.
This is the part of the book where Anna pointa out that psychologists and psychotherapists also change their views.
Here you can buy it:
Yaremko Olena (Germany/Ukraine): Religiosity in the personality psychology and in the psychology of interpersonal relations: theory, methodology, practice [Monography].
Релігійність у психології особистості та міжособистісних стосунків : теорія, методологія, 2021
The results of theoretical and conceptual studies of the religiosity of the individual, the image of God and
religious relations are summarized. The development of integrative psychotherapy in line with the Christian
approach is presented. Psychological methods of studying the religiosity of the individual and experience of
working with believers during psychological counseling and psychotherapy are proposed. For students, teachers,
practicing psychologists, psychotherapists.
Here you can download it:
Tomasz Niemirowski (Poland)
Philosophical Foundations of Psychology, 2021
„Tomasz Niemirowski, one of the authors of eJournal „Christian Psychology Around the World“, has
published the book “Philosophical Foundations of Psychology”. He promised to send for free for
everyone who will give him the e-mail address, text of his book in Word. This book as a paperback
and e-book version is available in Amazon:
His address is:
Saara Kinnunen (Finland)
Reconciliation with Life (in Finnish). Perussanoma 2014.
Saara Kinnunen, who holds a Master´s degree in both in Philosophy and Political Science,
is a Social Psychologist and a Psychotherapist.
Her book Reconciliation with Life integrates in one volume aspects of Christian faith,
several theories in the field of psychotherapy and a thorough clinical
experience in both psychotherapy and Christian counseling.
See more:
The following book explains why Stephen Hawkins will never be able to develop a ‘Theory of Everything’, because first physics needs a ‘Theory of Everyone’. Thinking and feeling have to be parts of such theories…
Trevor Griffiths
Building Bridges of Grace: The strength and resilience of
an emotionally intelligent Church
tells the story how understanding triune principles opens a new World beyond the
arguments between traditional Christian religions: Eastern Orthodox; Roman Catholic;
Reformed Protestant. It gives a scientific basis for both a secular and a spiritual call to safe
reconciliation in this new Millennium. A new world order can emerge by triune prayer.
Buy from or – Kindle, or hard copy.
Anna Ostaszewska (Poland)
Psychoterapia integratywna w podejsciu chrzescijanskim (Integrative Psychotherapy, a Christian Approach - in Polish), 2015 and in 2017 – second edition
"In the concept impress with a lucid, coherent and systematic exploration of the interface
between integrative psychotherapy and spirituality in which she distinguish
between healthy and unhealthy spirituality.
The author made a reasoned and substantial case for the assimilation of spirituality into
her approach to integrative psychotherapy which neither compromises her faith nor the
profession of psychotherapy. This is a commendable achievement. The capacity to speak
with authority to both worlds is rare in my experience." (Kenneth Evans, past president of the European
Association of Integrative Psychotherapy)
How to buy it: link
Olga Krasnikova (Russia)
“Loneliness” (in Russian) Nikea, 2015.
Olga Krasnikova — counseling psychologist, psychology lecturer, the head of the psychological center “Sobesednik”, rector assistant of Moscow ICP.
The book is dedicated to the problem of loneliness.
The “solo” way of life is widespread today. But Olga Krasnikova’s book is
not about formally lonely existence which, by the way, can be comfortable.
It is about deep loneliness. About the broken communication of a person
with other people, with the world , and first of all – with
himself. This dissonance can occur at any time, in bitter and
joyful circumstances, and even in quite safe family life background.
It is impossible to overcome the feeling of senselessness and emptiness, reestablish the lost communication until the person adjusts the dialogue with himself, accepting his existential loneliness.
It is amazing how many of us avoid meeting with themselves. What is that we don’t accept in ourselves or are afraid of? The quiet and wise book of Olga Krasnikova helps us to understand it.
Olga Krasnikova (Russia)
“Delays and unfulfilled promises”(in Russian), Nikea 2014
There are people who are always late. And there are those who always come in time and become nervous when they are forced to wait. There are fans of promise, but not its performing. Others, on the contrary, are trying to keep their word and demand the same from others. Anyway, we are suffering from delays and unfulfilled promises – our own or others, so the book by the psychologist Olga Krasnikova applies to absolutely everyone. After reading it, you can understand why some people are so hard to come in time, and learn how to minimize the damage caused by their own or someone else carelessness and perhaps become a little more tolerant.
Werner May (Germany)
Anleitungen zum Staunen. Sich im Geheimnis verwurzeln. IGNIS-Edition, Kitzingen , 2014
(Instructions for astonishment. Becoming rooted in mystery. In German.)
Astonishment keeps you young. Because children are astonished. We capture something
of being a child again when we are astonished: spontaneous or carefree reactions, all that
is natural to children, become available to us as adults.
Being astonished motivates us to want to know more about what we are astonished by.
We notice there is still much for us to experience. Space for
experience opens up surprisingly and therefore with freshness.
Being astonished awakens in us a fundamental sense of something greater or more
significant, tends to draw us up beyond ourselves. This not only motivates us, but also makes us more humble,
more ready to receive.
Eric Johnson (USA)
God and Soul Care: The Therapeutic Resources of the Christian Faith (2017)
Christianity, at its heart, is a therapeutic faitha religion of soul care.The story of
Christianity is a story of divine therapy. God's therapeutic agenda begins in the perfect
triune communion of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The triune God created human beings to flourish by participating in his glory, but human
beings rebelled against this agenda and fell into the psychopathology of sin. God
therapeutically intervened in Jesus Christ to bring about healing in body and soul.
Through his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and exaltation, Christ put to death the
soul-disordering consequences of sin and brought about a new creation through union with and conformity to him.
Eric Johnson(USA)
Foundations for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal (2004)
In this groundbreaking work of first-order scholarship, Eric Johnson makes a vitally
important contribution to the field of Christian counseling. He first presents a detailed
overview and appreciative but critical evaluation of the reigning paradigms in the field
of Christian counseling, particularly biblical counseling and integration. Building on their
respective strengths, he seeks to move beyond the current impasse in the field and
develop a more unified and robustly Christian understanding.