History of EMCAPP
The first meetings took place in the 90s. Here you can trace EMCAPP back through the years.

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November 10th – 12th 2024: The EMCAPP Symposium in Warsaw (Poland): Spiritual Aspects in Psychology and Psychotherapy.
13-14 September 2019 – The EMCAPP Seminar: „Values and spirituality in psychology and psychotherapy” during the European Congress of Christianity and Mental Health Sciences. Barcelona, Spain.
22-24 March 2019 – Conference organized by ACC Finland together with EMCAPP: “The meaning of relationship in Christian anthropology, psychology and psychotherapy and counseling”. Tampere, Finland.
10-13 September 2015 – Symposium XIV: “Christian approaches to person and the meaning for therapy and counselling”. Hailoo, Netherlands.
2-6 October 2014 – Symposium XIII: “Christian psychological models/explanations of psychological disorders”. Rome, Italy.
9-12 September 2013 – Symposium XII: “Specific healing factors in Christian psychotherapy”. Lviv, Ukraine.
3-6 September 2012 – Symposium XI: “Specific subjects of Christian anthropology, psychology and psychotherapy”. Warsaw, Poland.
2-5 May 2011 – Symposium X: “Future of Christian anthropology, psychology and psychotherapy”. Moscow, Russia.
January 2010 – EMCPA board meeting in Helsinki, Finland. The name of the movement was changed to the European Movement of Christian Anthropology, Psychology and Psychotherapy – EMCAPP.
26-28 June 2009 – Symposium IX: “Does God live in any human being?” Warsaw, Poland.
21-23 May 2008 – Symposium VIII: . “Professional qualifications of Christian psychotherapists or counsellors. Cooperation between God and a man (psychotherapist, counsellor)”. Cracow, Poland.
14-16 February 2007 – Symposium VII: “Aims of Christian psychology” and “Spiritual maturity”. Warsaw, Poland.
28-30 November 2005 – Symposium VI: “A Christian approach to the health of persons”. London.
23-24 October 2004 – Symposium V: “Christian psychology and psychotherapy”. Rome, Italy.
22-24 September 2003 – Symposium IV: “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free”. Warsaw, Poland.
28-30 October 2002 – Symposium III: “What is agape?” Kitzingen, Germany.
1-4 July 1999 – Symposium II: “Grace in the process of psychotherapy”. Plock, Poland.
4-6 December 1996 – EMCPA Symposium I: “Basic anthropological concepts in psychology”. Kitzingen, Germany.