Psychology and Psychotherapy
in the Perspective of Christian Anthropology
Edited by Nicolene Joubert
Contributors (authors of chapters):
Poland: Romuald Jaworski, Krzysztof Wojcieszek,
Zenon Uchnast, Anna Ostaszewska
United Kingdom: Mike Sheldon, Trevor Griffiths
Germany: Wolfram Soldan, Werner May
Russia: Andrey Lorgus, Elena Strigo, Olga Krasnikowa
Ukraine: Olena Yaremko
Italy: Francesco Cutino
Spain: Mar Alvarez, Monserrat Lafuente
Finland: Saara Kinunen
South Africa: Nicolene Joubert
Hardcover: 327 pages
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing; 1 edition (December 1, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1527516571
ISBN-13: 978-1527516571
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Book description
A view of human nature generally forms part of the assumptions that undergird psychological theories and psychotherapeutic approaches. In this book, Christian anthropology is articulated as a foundation for the theories, approaches and techniques applied in practice by its contributors. Various essays from European-based practitioners in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy and counselling are included here. These authors draw scientific knowledge from the fields of psychology and psychotherapy, focusing on intra-psychic aspects of human functioning, such as emotions, drives and cognitions, as well as interpersonal and eco-systemic functioning. In addition to this, the authors consider spirituality as an intrinsic part of humanity through which persons seek meaning and transcendence and that influences physical and mental health. Spiritual insight is gained from the field of theology with specific reference to the Christian faith tradition. As a wide range of topics, contexts and cultural and ecumenical backgrounds are covered in this book many practitioners in mental health care and counselling should benefit from the knowledge, ideas and practical experience shared here.
Table of contents
Foreword: Toward a Unified Christian Psychology Eric L. Johnson
Introduction Nicolene L. Joubert
The European Movement for Christian Anthropology, Psychology and Psychotherapy - Anna Ostaszewska
Section I: Anthropology
- The Concept of Person as Anthropological Basis for Christian Psychology and Psychotherapy Romuald Jaworski – Poland
- Applying Whole Person Principles in Healthcare – Assessment and Diagnosis of the Whole Person Mike Sheldon – United Kingdom
- Relationship with God and with Others: The Role of Personality Olena Yaremko – Ukraine
- Ecotherapy within a Creationist Approach Francesco Cutino – Italy
Section II: Spirit/Theology
- The Gap between Spirit and Psyche: The Psychospiritual Faculties Mar Alvarez and Montserrat Lafuente – Spain
- The Terms Spirituality and Spiritual in Russian Orthodox Doctrine – Their Meaning for Psychotherapy Andrey Lorgus – Russia
- God – The Forgotten Defender Krzysztof Wojcieszek – Poland
Section III: Psychology
- Christian Psychology: Integrating Christian Spiritual Beliefs into Therapeutic Processes Nicolene Joubert – South Africa
- The Synergy Paradigm in Christian Psychology Zenon Uchnast – Poland
- Characteristics of a Christian Psychology, Demonstrated by the Example of Forgiveness Wolfram Soldan – Germany
Section IV: Psychotherapy
- Integrative Psychotherapy: A Christian Approach Anna Ostaszewska – Poland
- Face and Image in Christian Psychotherapy Elena Strigo – Russia
- Emotional Chaos Theory and the Emergence of Personal Identity: A Positive Psychology that Complements Christian Anthropology Trevor Griffiths – United Kingdom
- Therapy of Religious Clients with Guilt and Sin Feelings in Christian Orthodox Psychology Olga Krasnikova – Russia
- Longing for the Father – Father Wound in Christian Therapy Saara Kinnunen – Finland
- Setting Boundaries in a Dialogical Way Werner May – Germany
List of Contributors and Biographies